Mary-Kathryn Kendrick
Calhoun, GA
Georgia State University
"I had a wonderful time collaborating with another student to illustrate their story into an actual book. I did almost all of the work for this book digitally, so learned a lot about Adobe Illustrator. This project was a great experience and real-world application of what I have learned from my first year here at Georgia State University as an art major."
Mary-Kathryn Kendrick was born in Georgia in 2002. She is currently living in Atlanta Georgia attending Georgia State University where she is pursuing a BFA in Studio with a concentration in Graphic Design. She is interested in exploring different art mediums while on her path towards a career in Graphic Design. Her work revolves around exploration and curiosity, as she is dabbling in sculpture, drawing, and 2-dimensional design (both analog and digital). Her art-making process begins with a general plan and idea for the work. As her process continues, she allows the work to change with experimental and precise decisions.