Extensive and pleasure means reading about a topic we are interested in and for the purpose of enjoyment and information. The goal then is to discover the plot, what is happening to the characters, and have fun, not to gain language mastery (though this happens incidentally). Extensive and pleasure reading is what we do, for instance, in our first language when we pick up a novel just because we want to read it.
In reading for pleasure in a second language, readers do not need to understand all the details nor do they have to know all the vocabulary. Getting the gist of the story is enough.
Extensive Reading, Pleasure Reading, Free Voluntary Reading, Independent Reading, Sustained Silent Reading, Recreational Reading, etc. all refer to the same concept: Reading for content, enjoyment and information.
How it works
For extensive reading to work as an instructional tool that enhances the acquisition and learning of the target language the following conditions need to be met:
- Readers must be willing to read and must do it frequently and regularly.
- The reading must be easy.
To meet condition one, readers have to enjoy and be interested in what they are reading, which means, readers have to have access to a variety of topics to choose from. To meet condition two, the reading material must be made available at several language levels. Serie Leamos provides readers the tools to meet these conditions.
For those interested in knowing more about why reading is important when learning a language and how to use reading in the classroom, the below books will help you.